Guitar Villains

Rick Graham on Killer Shred Technique, Picking Like the Wind, & Positive Adversity

Rick Graham Season 1 Episode 9

Today’s guitar villain is Rick Graham. Rick is easily one of the most humble guitar players on the planet, and you know what that means when the word humble is used to describe a guitarist: that’s right, they’re an absolute monster player. Rick can play things most people would think is impossible to do on a guitar, and yet his musicality is what stands out most–he’s a true maestro and an even better person, and throughout this episode you’ll understand time and again why Rick is one of the most respected guitarists on the planet, on today’s episode of Guitar Villains.

Intro and Rick’s supervillain alter-ego: 00:00
Burning Questions: 07:40
How to play guitar as fast as humanly possible: 09:38
Name Those Notes: 13:57
The competitive edge of guitar players: 27:32
Rick’s music school experience: 29:48
How ‘regular jobs’ will us to unlock our destiny: 31:48
The greatest teachers all do this: 34:10
Two-note per string scale design: 36:30
The hardest and easiest thing about guitar: 41:20
Rick’s favorite airplane album: 43:05
Rick’s dream band: 45:25
Rick’s supervillain advice: 47:39

Lessons with Rick
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